A Scientific Advisory Board oversees the curation of the latest research and drives the global research agenda. IMACS convenes a community of practice of 48 select experts from 25+ countries around 13 disciplines. The network of leading researchers and practitioners meet virtually to share knowledge, new innovations, and partnership opportunities, including conference workshops and symposia. In 2023, with support from the select members of the network, IMACS conducted a survey and an extensive cataloging of global digital tools, available here.

Ekuwa Adade
Doctoral Researcher
Brunel University

Ekuwa Adade
Project Manager
IDRC Uganda

Hilary Bambrick
Professor, Faculty of Health
Queensland University of Technology

Swadhin Behera
Director, Application Laboratory
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)

Elizabeth Carlton
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health
University of Colorado, School of Public Health

Rajib Chattopadhyay
Senior Scientist
India Meterological Department

Hae-kwan Cheong
Professor Emeritus, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine
Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine

James Colborn
Senior Malaria Advisor
Clinton Health Access Initiative

Marlies Craig
Technical Advisor
Wits RHI

Gaia Dempsey

Ramesh Dhiman
Principal Investigator: DST-ICMR Centre of Excellence for Climate Change & Vector Borne Diseases
ICMR-National Institute of Malaria Research

Ibrahima Diouf
Consultant/Associate Scientist
The Senegal National Adaptation Plan Support Project

Geir Kjetil Ferkingstad Sandve
Professor, Scientific Computing and Machine Learning
University of Oslo

Hosni Ghedira
Director of Engagement Services
Mohamed Bin Zayed University

Emanuele Giorgi
Senior Lecturer in Biostatistics
Lancaster University

Roland Gosling
Professor of Global Health
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Pulak Guhathakurta
Head, Climate Research Division Office of Climate Research and Services
India Meteorological Department

Andy Hardy
Senior Lecturer in Remote Sensing and GIS
Aberystwyth University

Masahiro Hashizume
Professor, School of International Health Graduate School of Medicine
Tokyo University

Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb
Associate Professor, School of Public Health and Community Medicine
Gothenburg University

Jaabir Hussein
International Livestock Research Institute

Ruth Kigozi
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Specialist
Malaria Action Plan for Districts

Yoon-hee Kim
Associate Professor, Department of Global Environmental Health
University of Tokyo

Prasad Liyange
Heidelberg Institute of Global Health

Tatiana Loboda
Professor, Department of Geographical Sciences
University of Maryland

Rajendra Maharaj
Director of the Office of Malaria Research
South African Medical Research Council

Patrick Martineau

Richard Maude
Head of Epidemiology Department
Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit

Christian Morgenstern
Infectious Disease & Health Economics Researcher
Imperial College London

Masami Nonaka
Senior Researcher

Samson Muuo Nzou
Principal Research Officer
Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)

William Pan
Associate Professor of Global Environmental Health
Duke University

Chris Perine
Director, Corporate Environmental Sustainability

Dung Phung
Lead Researcher, E-DENGUE project
University of Queensland

Derek Pollard
Senior Technical Advisor

Sadie Ryan
Associate Professor, Medical Geography
University of Florida

Consolato Sergi
Professor of Pathology and Pediatrics
University of Alberta

Maquines Sewe
Senior Research Engineer, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine
Umea University

Sheetal Silal
Associate Professor; Director, Modelling and Simulation Hub, Africa (MASHA)
University of Cape Town

Mark Smith
Associate Professor
University of Leeds

Nik Steinberg
Senior Advisor, Climate Risk

Anna Stewart-Ibarra
Science Director
Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research

Neville Sweijd
Director, Applied Center for Climate & Earth System's Science
University of Cape Town

Michael Terron
PhD Candidate
Nagasaki University

Chris Thomas
Global Professor, Water & Planetary Health
University of Lincoln

Ben Zaitchik
Professor, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Johns Hopkins University

Kate Zinszer
Assistant Professor, School of Public Health
University of Montreal