The Climate and Us: New BBC Streaming Series Tackles Health Impacts of Climate Change

November 17, 2023 - With the 28th annual United Nations (UN) climate meeting weeks away, a groundbreaking new series of films, now available online, explores the urgent health challenges posed by climate change.

The Climate and Us, presented by the Global Climate and Health Alliance, investigates how the climate crisis is affecting human health by taking audiences on a cinematic journey across the world, highlighting the critical link between our changing climate and its profound effects on our wellbeing.

Forecasting Healthy Futures contributed to the series, collaborating on the production of a short film that examines the growing problem of mosquito-borne disease as a direct cause of climate change. The film, which highlights the rise in dengue fever in urban Brazil point to Wolbachia as a novel climate-health solution aimed at protecting communities from the disease.

“We are thrilled to be a part of this series highlighting the critical intersection of climate change and human health, “said Kelly Willis, Managing Director of Strategic Initiatives at Forecasting Healthy Futures. “The story of Wolbachia being used to guard against climate-driven increases in dengue transmission, is a perfect example of the proactive solutions needed to protect global health gains from the threats posed by global warming.”  

“Extreme weather events and climate pressures threaten to undo two decades of global health gains, while putting our ambitious SDG3 goals impossibly out of reach,” said Martin Edlund, CEO of Malaria No More. “But while the challenges are getting harder, the solutions are getting better. Breakthrough solutions depicted in this BBC serious should equip us to address the mounting threat of climate-sensitive diseases like malaria and dengue – and even accelerate efforts to end them once and for all.”

In total, the series features 31 compelling stories spanning six continents, exploring the realities faced by people worldwide – from the wildfires in California, to the air pollution smothering residents in Jakarta, to the strain on people’s access to clean water in South Africa. As well as focusing on communities affected by climate-related disasters and emerging health crises, it also highlights the incredible resilience of people impacted- and the wide-ranging solutions necessary protect our wellbeing.

“The Climate and Us provides the crucial human face of the growing climate crisis – and through telling these stories, demonstrates that there is nothing more important than our health and wellbeing,” said Dr. Jeni Miller, Executive Director of the Global Climate and Health Alliance. “Every day, those of us in the health community witness the toll that climate change and its impacts – extreme storms, heat waves, droughts, sea level rise and flooding – take on people’s lives, their health and wellbeing. While the threats and challenges are significant, hope lies in the many efforts people all around the world are making to respond to every aspect of the crises.”

“We are thrilled to bring to life these stories that do not shy away from the impacts we’re facing, but instead share some of the solutions that exist, or are being created. We hope this series brings home that the climate crisis ultimately affects us, the human race, and how it impacts us and the natural world we’re a part of and depend on. We hope that The Climate and Us inspires people to not only have hope, but to feel empowered to drive a rapid and just transition toward a healthy and sustainable future, while addressing the impacts of climate change today on people all over the world.”

Watch the Climate and Us on a microsite:

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